Published on 5th July 2024

Plant of the Month:July

We give the herbaceous borders a sense of flow and structure with repeated groups of tall campanulas at Paxton House Gardens in July.  The massed bell flowers of Campanula lactifolia ‘Prichard’s Variety’ add grace and structure from the back of the border growing up to 1.2 metres tall. Their pale lilac-blue colour is the perfect foil for other July flowering perennials, particularly the silver stems and white and magenta flowers of Lychnis coronaria.  This year, we particularly love the contrast between clumps of campanula flowers and our striking red and black Asiatic lilies, variety ‘London Heart’. Campanulas are very undemanding and will grow in sun or partial shade and have the added bonus of not being popular with deer or rabbits. Well sheltered by walls, ours tend not to need much staking but they can be vulnerable to wind damage in more exposed sites. They’ll keep flowering all month so now is a great time to come and see them.