Parallel Lives, Worlds Apart

We are excited to announce our upcoming exhibition “Parallel Lives, Worlds Apart” which will explore Paxton House’s historical slavery-related collections. We will connect with 21st century lives in African, Caribbean and other minority diaspora communities. A £90,000 award from The Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund will help fund our 2022 exhibition which we think will break new ground.
The Trust is also delighted to announce Caribbean Connections, a new permanent exhibition and trail which will tell the story of Paxton’s slavery connections. The exhibition has been made possible with a grant of £60,000 from Museums Galleries Scotland, awarded towards new display cases and conserving the recognised furniture collections.
The Textile Society has also very kindly supported The Paxton Trust with an award of £3,500 towards the conservation and display of part of the 17th and 18th century costume collection, so that it can take its place in the exhibitions and in future displays.
Ian Marrian, Chair of The Paxton Trust said; “The Parallel Lives, Worlds Apart project is to bring The Paxton Trust’s outstanding archives, costume, Recognised furniture collections and the strong historical links with slavery in the Caribbean, particularly on Grenada, to our existing and new audiences. We are really excited about working with our partners, Descendants, and are very grateful for the support awarded to help us deliver this innovative project.”
In this project we will interpret British, African and Caribbean History onsite at Paxton House in new temporary, permanent, and online exhibitions. This will enable us to conserve and display more of our outstanding collections.
Descendants’ ( said; “…it is important to address the past in a positive and healthy way, thus improving relations and understanding between different communities. Being able to work alongside Paxton and for our children to have an input into what goes into an exhibition will be a great step in healing the past as the full story of Paxton will be being told…”
The programme of creative engagement with children from Scotland, London, and Grenada aims to break down racial barriers, educate visitors in person and virtually about shared histories, and engage new audiences creatively.
Parallel Lives, Worlds Apart: from sugar plantations in Grenada to life at Court, and other stories from the costume at Paxton House runs from April to October 2022.
Caribbean Connections will open in June 2022